Sunday, October 10, 2010

NFL Week 5 Ad Questions

10) Does the Oreo Double Stuff Team have a salary cap, and since its members wear matching Power Rangers style wrist watches, are spandex jump suits (please God, Shaq, no) far behind?

9) When the Pizza Hut employees state how the box they are holding is someone's dinner, does anyone else interpret that as a threat?

8) When the "Mama's Boy" guy who doesn't buy Miller Lite is chastised for the presence of his mother in the bar, doesn't that also mean that he's drinking for free with a designated driver?

7) Why does McDonald's play "Monopoly" every year, when the much more product-appropriate game is "Risk"?

6) Why does FedEx inspire creepy middle manager types to live in college dorms, and isn't this just begging for some very ugly PR?

5) Why doesn't the NFL investigate the game-fixing antics of Buffalo Wild Wings, and is there something ominous about the patrons needing overtime after consuming it?

4) While it's nice that senior Helen Mirren gets to be a sexy bad ass in "Red", doesn't that just mean that non-Baby Boomer movie fans are being cheated out of their own poon?

3) What hallucinogenic is in the Burger King breakfast "food" that causes people to burst into song and march away from the restaurant?

2) Since Macy's has so many celebrities and inefficiencies in fulfillment, doesn't this mean that their prices are inflated?

1) Does drinking Bud Light make men so suicidal and bereft of preservation instincts that they are willing to bungee jump for the product?


Anonymous said...

Is the Mama's boy Miller lite commercial on U-Tube? i can't find it and want to show someone.

Anonymous said...

Seems to be no.