Sunday, June 3, 2007

Top Ten Reasons Why Blacks Aren't Playing Baseball

Inspired, of course, by the fearless truth to power work of Gary Sheffield...

10. NFL just much more open to brothers being brothers

9. NBA gives blacks more opportunities to elbow foreigners

8. NHL has better and cheaper seat opportunities for friends and family

7. Jesus is ready for a new PGA favorite

6. NASCAR fans are clamoring for more black drivers

5. WWE gives you the chance to hang out with strippers in public without anyone making a big deal about it

4. Bud Selig tries to talk "jive" with black players, causing even more discomfort than usual

3. Arena Ball gives blacks their innermost, yet forbidden, joy -- the opportunity to listen to Jon Bon Jovi

2. Still pissed off about the whole Buck O'Neill thing

1. Barry Bonds


Tracer Bullet said...

There are so few blacks in baseball because whenever a black man stands in a field for three hours doing nothing, a white man will eventually hit him with a whip.

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen, the comedy stylings of Michael Richards. Let's give him a big hand!