Friday, June 8, 2007

The Greatest Comeback in Hot Sports Blogger Voting, Like, Ever

Yesterday in the Ladies... Hot Blogger Challenge, our opponent, the pictured Dan Shanoff, was up by 58 percentage points, threatening to make this matchup the most lopsided in the entire contest.

But today, thanks to the airings of certain truths, the relentless pimping of our kids, and the good work of people like McBias, who made the poster above, we've got Pretty Boy Shanoff on the run. His lead is now down to a scant 52 points!

With voting set to end on Saturday, this still leaves us with a little ways -- say, 500 votes -- to go, but we're confident that the sports blogosphere will take our Cinderella story to heart and vote. Because, if you don't, the Harvard guy wins. And no one wants to see that, do we?

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