Sunday, January 4, 2009

Top 10 NFL Playoff Ad Questions

10. If Sprint is so concerned about the economy that they had to film their CEO in black and white, why are they advertising at all?

9. If I'm supposed to eat at Subway to lose weight, why are all my buttons exploding off my pants?

8. Aren't you glad that people who got a Lexus this Christmas were also irredeemable douchebags as children?

7. Why does Dodge think my truck buying decisions are made solely by which make and model works best in explosions?

6. Is a gasbag making pictures that only he and his friends can see, combined with the fact their beverage is in fact drinkable, really a good enough motivation to allow Bud Light inside your body?

5. Is anyone else wildly amused by the fact that Prilosec threw old spokesman Brett Favre under the bus for some nameless eyesore?

4. How did Burger King make McDonald's "food" for all of these unfortunate third world people that it "fed" in their taste test, and shouldn't this kind of thing be stopped by international law?

3. How does Verizon make enough money to pay not just the jerkoff engineer, but also the dozens of tools in matching uniforms that follow him around for no good reason at all?

2. It's nice that Hyundai is willing to let me return the car if I lose my income, but what about the loss of tail from, well, driving a Hyundai?

1. Is there anything on God's green earth that a Manning won't sell?


Tracer Bullet said...

Peyton Manning for RocaPads!

Anonymous said...

I had the same question about the Subway ads at first--then I realized that they are saying that if you eat fast food OTHER than Subway, you'll get so fat your pants won't fit.

But making me work that hard to decipher a commercial isn't good (and I'm in marketing/advertising).