Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A small off-topic point about the NYC reaction to the Times Square Non-Bomb

Truly, I had no idea there were so many potential terrorists in town.

Because that's the most common reaction from anyone who wants to talk about this thing. "You believe the guy went to the airport afterward? Idiot. First place they look. Me, I'd have gotten on the train..."

It's almost as if we're disappointed in the guy for not being better at terrorism, or expecting someone who is trying to spread terror as being some sort of criminal mastermind, rather than a psycopath with borderline intelligence. If a few more of these guys shake out, I half expect some guy from Queens to do the job, not from similar politics, but from just showing how it's done...

We now return you to your normally scheduled sports blog.


CMJDad said...

Queens? Nah, he (she??) would be from either Staten Island or Jersey. Have I not taught you anything yet?

DMtShooter said...

He, and I'll take your word for it on the borough. We know that Brooklyn has gentrified out the potential terrorists. The Bronx, I think they'd never get around to doing the deed, because they'd be too busy telling people how their Uncle Alfonse was responsible for starting the Crimean War...