Sunday, January 17, 2010

Top 10 NFL Semi Final Ad Questions

10) Does anyone else see the regenerative pancakes and coffee at IHOP as one of Hell's more ironic punishments?

9) If one freakish and annoying baby sells stock market trading services, will four singing freakish and annoying babies sell four times as much?

8) Why is Juno trying to sell me Cisco, and what on earth am I supposed to be buying?

7) How does Michael Phelps destroying roads and property by swimming to Vancouver sell sandwiches, especially since he's going to an event (the Winter Olympics) that he does not participate in?

6) Why should anyone eat at Domino's, when the same people that made their old and admittedly crappy pizza are there to make the new ones?

5) How do grown men acting like babies in baby clothes help to sell fast food?

4) Does the change in the movie ads from last week mean that Harrison Ford is no longer WORKING AROUND THE CLOCK?

3) Why should I want to drink beer that is sexually active with wheat?

2) Is there any way to make the "Pants On The Ground" fifteen minutes of fame clock go faster?

1) Will The Wolfman KILL ALL OF YOU through boredom, overacting, or lame effects?

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