Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Hoboken Hustle" Fantasy Football Team Names

My first experience in watching people play cards was, and I suspect this isn't entirely unique, an episode of "Happy Days." (It is the special doom of my life to remember, and admit, to such things.) In the episode, Richie loses his money in a crooked card game, only to have his father save his bacon by successfully using what they refer to as "The Hoboken Hustle" gambit. In it, you profess ignorance and sucker your opponents into overconfident betting, especially on small pots. Then, with the trap baited, you cut them off at the knees when the pot is meaningful.

As always, these fit within the Yahoo! standard game limit, and only for truly confident (overconfident? naturally) players.

Kickers Early and Late

Nothing But Head Cases

Yahoo Default Rankings

Preseason Importance

2007 Will Repeat

Small College Only

Acadmeic Achievers

Genius Level Math

There Will Be Grit

Astrology Matches

Ouija Draft Board

Magic Underwear Men

God's Will Be Done

Guys The Truth Likes

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