Epic Drop: Top 10 Signs The Ravens Were Not Ready To Play Tonight
Your list is here, and you have to admire John Madden trying to ignite a quarterback controversy after seeing two minutes of Troy Smith... or was that from seeing 58 minutes of Kyle Boller? (He, um, might have a point.)
I'm going to add this thought here because it's just too soon, really, to give it a life of it's own. With the Eagles being all but eliminated, who do Eagles fans root harder against in the inevitable HorrorBowl of Possibly 19-0 Patriots against the TO Told You So Cowboys?
The answer, of course, is Kill Yourself, and the Patriots, in that order, just to keep Owens from having a ring...
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Is that Spanish or Portuguese? In any event, if the Colts aren't in the Super Bowl, will likely feature the Packers or Cowboys versus the Patriots and I don't want to live in that world. Favre "just having fun." Romo leading the league in smiles. The Patriots rolling like the Wermarrcht through Poland . . . Retch. It's enough to drive a man to do terrible things. Like watch the NBA.
For the record, the comment spam is Portugese, and short of some completely impossible from-nowhere teams coming through (Seattle? Minnesota?)... it's going to be Douchebags or Cheese Eaters as the NFC rep. For Eagle fans, that's not even a decision, no matter how sloppy Madden et al get on Favre's nuts, and who knows, if they win, maybe he'll finally end the long national nightmare and pull an Elway.
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