Monday, December 10, 2007

Epic Drop: Top 10 Signs The Ravens Were Not Ready To Play Tonight

Your list is here, and you have to admire John Madden trying to ignite a quarterback controversy after seeing two minutes of Troy Smith... or was that from seeing 58 minutes of Kyle Boller? (He, um, might have a point.)

I'm going to add this thought here because it's just too soon, really, to give it a life of it's own. With the Eagles being all but eliminated, who do Eagles fans root harder against in the inevitable HorrorBowl of Possibly 19-0 Patriots against the TO Told You So Cowboys?

The answer, of course, is Kill Yourself, and the Patriots, in that order, just to keep Owens from having a ring...


Anonymous said...

Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net( no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. If is possible add the CresceNet( in your blogroll, I thank. Good bye friend.

Anonymous said...

Is that Spanish or Portuguese? In any event, if the Colts aren't in the Super Bowl, will likely feature the Packers or Cowboys versus the Patriots and I don't want to live in that world. Favre "just having fun." Romo leading the league in smiles. The Patriots rolling like the Wermarrcht through Poland . . . Retch. It's enough to drive a man to do terrible things. Like watch the NBA.

DMtShooter said...

For the record, the comment spam is Portugese, and short of some completely impossible from-nowhere teams coming through (Seattle? Minnesota?)... it's going to be Douchebags or Cheese Eaters as the NFC rep. For Eagle fans, that's not even a decision, no matter how sloppy Madden et al get on Favre's nuts, and who knows, if they win, maybe he'll finally end the long national nightmare and pull an Elway.