Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Mannings Are Fast, Sloppy, and Expensive

Warning: this post has things that once seen and known, may not be unseen or unknown. If you catch my drift.

I can't embed the video from this link, and some part of me thinks that you should not go here unless I'm getting cash (warning: sound) so I'll wait here while you click on it, then come back.

(checks watch, shifts weight from foot to foot, gets caught up in Crackberry)

Oh, you're back. Now, I'm not a Manning Hater, and it's hard to really crack on guys for cashing an easy paycheck. They're athletes, not artists, so expecting them to do anything but whore themselves out is naive at best, and having a sense of humor about themselves is to be encouraged and all... but, um, Boys?

Perhaps -- just perhaps -- you'd be better off not showing yourselves lapping up creamy white substances with the rabbit-like enthusiasm of your average 14-year-old "professional" in Thailand, to the point where they get all over your face, for money, on television.

Or, at least, if you're going to go that way, maybe not appearing in special clothes to do it. Have some sense of decorum. From what I've read, this kind of thing is usually more of a circle/campfire/airport restroom kind of thing. (Seriously, is there a product or service these people won't endorse? NAMBLA, maybe?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they can promote anything they want, but I'll always remember the Carson Palmer hot-dog adds.