Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Disturbingly Sexual Fantasy Baseball Team Names

Because I am a big whore to the search engine traffic. As always, these should fit in the standard Yahoo naming space. (Today's, by the way, was inspired by an old league-mate who actually did call his team the Carpet Crawlers, mostly because he was that much of a Peter Gabriel fan. Get done with your freaky spermy self, though I think the original version was a better version. Besides, this video doesn't even have a longhaired geek getting burned at the stake, so how could can it be?)

South Side Browns

Taco Eaters

Old Town Teabaggers

Fightin' Sodomites

Carpet Crawlers

Donkey Punchers

Mustache Waxers (narrowly beating out the Mustache Riders)

Spunky Brewsters

Scat Attack

Water Sportsmen

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