Monday, February 2, 2009

Blogrolling: Coming For Your Niblets

The final insult to Steeler Hater Nation... if you make fun of Terrible Towels, you are a Terrible Person.

HHR with the real live author interview and get (it's Stefan Fatsis, doing the George Plimpton thing with the Denver Broncos). It's like they are a real site or something.

I don't know if this is legit, but you know they don't like you when the crawl writer is tearing you a new one. Courtesy of Sports By Brooks.

Here's some pure nightmare fuel -- the Green Man is not just coming for your jobs and your women, but your very niblets. That lunge move at the end made my junk move up and in like a plane taking up the landing gear.

And just to prove that pro wrasslin' is more than bad ideas and shameless PR from Vince McMahon... here's some bad ideas and shameless PR from one-time WWE heel Kurt Angle, now working with the #2 federation. He wants Rod Blagojevich to come join his heel group. Too bad Wrasslin' Fan has no idea who Hair-Rod is...

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