Friday, July 25, 2008

Epic Drop: Top 10 Sports Opinions That You Will Not Hear On Television

Your link is here
, and nothing makes me feel older or more crotchety than the ever-falling standards of the media. There are two new stadiums that are going up in New York that will further limit the ability of people of moderate income to go to a game -- no one cares. Athletes are co-opted into shilling for the very networks that cover them. There actually was a blog post the other day where the writer had set up a trivia contest about the ESPN anchors.

At some point, I'm sure, a payola-level scandal will erupt, and younger fans will co-opt of the process with direct access and/or just not caring about sports. So it's not just a matter of being irritated with the Lemur... it's being irritated, along with the sense that they are helping to destroy something I love.

Anyway, go click and make with the funny.

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