Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Epic Drop: Top 10 Conditions In Which I'd Welcome A Brett Favre Comeback

Just in time to fill the collective hole of every sports blogger on the planet... it's Him Again, in his bid to be named as the most self-centered athlete on the planet (and man alive, is that a hard-fought distinction).

He will, of course, never really leave us. Unlike Isiah, Barbaro, Willie Randolph or any other constant source of hot air and despair, He Is Immortal, He Is Legend. Light can not escape from his gravitational field. Reason can not penetrate His Legacy... and we will be here again. Many, many times...

1 comment:

Dirty Davey said...

My reverse of your #1: "He plays against the Eagles in a key late-season or playoff game, so my team can benefit from the inevitable careless interception."