Sunday, February 10, 2008

Countdown to the Second Worst Day of the Year in Sports

(And no, the video has little to do with this, but it's still kind of amazing... if only for the feat of training to get a dog to do that, and the fact that a woman is applauded for dancing like that, and spreading her legs for, a dog. In public.)

That would be Monday, where your usual midwinter lull of regular season basketball and hockey will be broken up by the Pro Bowl recap... and the opening of the Westminster Dog Show.

Now, I've got nothing against dogs. Except for my first year of college, I haven't lived without one in my house for the last 25 years. I still can't look at a keeshond, which was the breed of my longest living dog, without going into hard nostalgia. I've brought home strays. I speak Dog. I just found this video on YouTube, and damn. Those are my boys!

I suppose that the Dog Show is still better than NASCAR or televised poker for pure viewing pleasure, if only for the sake of hey, dogs. But this is, um... Not Sports with the highest possible Notness. And anyone that goes to compete in this thing is only slightly higher on the evolutionary scale than a Furry, and probably needs to be force-viewed "Best In Show", Clockwork Orange-style, until they get that their life has been sadly wasted. (And this comes from a guy that's written over 700 blog posts about sports in the last year...)

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