It's Gonna Happen
Yes it is Cubs fan. Yes it is.
That stupid slogan has been knocking around Chicago for 2 seasons now. Leave it to Cubs fans to pick a slogan that comes back to bite you in the ass. Brilliant. But if you call yourself a Cubs fans, you've pretty much publicly claimed you aren't a genius. And these stupid white flags with a blue W that have been flying around Chicago this year - won't miss seeing those either.
Full disclosure here - I'm a Cards fan. Have been since the early 80's when my family moved to St. Louis. I've seen some great Cards teams and some pretty lousy ones. But I've never seen Cardinals fans turn on their team like the Cubs
fans turned on theirs last night. In fact, I'm pretty pissed off at Cubs nation right now. You took the pure joy and satisfaction that I receive watching the Cubs lose in the playoffs. My early Christmas disappeared as I started to feel bad for the Cubs players. But the sulking and whining by the Cubs fans brought on a cathartic moment. I realized I don't despise the Cubs. I despise their fans. Truly pathetic. Their self loathing, turn on their team in a moments notice, and general fear of anything good happening would make a Philly sports fan blush.

And look, this series isn't over. The Cubs could still come back by winning three straight. But does anyone believe that is going to happen? And for all you young kids out there who are considering becoming a Cubs fan, here is a video that I hope scares you straight.
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