Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Damn You, Instant Karmic Comeuppance

This Morning's Commute

1) Leave wallet at home, which means the Shooter Wife has to meet me in Newark so that I can get my PATH card and building ID to complete my commute. She, of course, has to get kids to school first, so I've just made my 100-minute take, oh... 200 minutes. If I'm lucky.

2) In transferring from the freeloaded train to the waiting area, have the mobile broadband card fail, which means that the Shooter Wife may have real issues finding me at the station, since she hasn't been here before and will be driving around in rush hour traffic with a 3-year-old. Her cell phone is also prone to failure.

3) Find the blind guy that needs to read his Bible out loud in ever-increasing amounts of volume in the lounge area. He, of course, activates the Japanese tourist on his cell phone, so they can have a Noise Off.

4) Have the laptop lose power any minute now, I'm sure.

5) After moving away from Mr. Bible and Friends, be surrounded by guys who smell like poo as I wait for the Shooter Wife. Newark's lovely in off-peak hours.

I'm sure the rest of my day will be just peachy. Hey veterans, are we friends again yet?