Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Politics and Sports

Yes, I know, they don't go together. But after last night's results, the thought of 2 more months or more of continued coverage of this Democratic race has me banging my head against the desk. Looking at Obama brought back memories of another skinny black man with ears that stick out. A man that also dared to dream big, mostly about Tyra Banks. Lil Penny.

I found this old clip of Lil Penny talking politics. It's amazing to me that 10-15 years ago Hardaway and Griffey were kings of the advertising world - heck even Nick Anderson gets some play here. So take a minute away from Obama-Clinton Watch 2008 and check out this old campaign message.

And a bonus clip of Lil Penny in my personal favorite talking about KG and Los Lobos.

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