Sunday, November 30, 2014

Top 10 NFL Week 13 Ad Questions

Curse You, Intellect
10) If Skelotor is hawking Honda, does that prove that Honda is evil, or that Robot Chicken has taken over an ad agency?

9) Are non-Verizon users plagued with ungrateful brats?

8) Is Pepsi the only thing causing America to send its veterans overseas?

7) Can anything make Terry Bradshaw stop talking about his personal medical problems?

6) Is anyone else bothered by the Clash, aka the most socialist and communist-friendly rock band in history, being used to sell bad luxury automobiles?

5) Why is it so hard for NFL players to talk about domestic abuse and violence, when it happens so often?

4) Is it possible to shop at Jared without dealing with a hopelessly smug customer service person?

3) Are Wal-Mart's ads meant to be a post-modern criticism and reduction of the horrors of capitalism, or is that just an unintentional by product of total incompetence?

2) Do Taco Bell consumers lose the ability to put their terrible fast food down, no matter what the social circumstance?

1) Are FedEx users prone to putting shoes on cats?

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