Thursday, November 27, 2014

Top 10 Thanksgiving NFL Ad Questions

More Pull Than Push
10) Can anything stop Geico from Push It Push It heavy frequency ads on every game ever broadcast?

9) Is Johnny Manziel known for anything but selling candy bars now?

8) If I book a flight on Southwest, will I develop an involuntary pimp walk?

7) When booking a Moses and the Pharaoh movie, shouldn't you make Moses a Jewish actor instead of, you know, Australian?

6) Can the Old Spice Weeping Mother ads get any creepier, really?

5) Are State Farm customers terrible at planning every major life event, and if so, wouldn't that make their premium levels higher?

4) If Chick Fil-A is right and beef is annoying, shouldn't we eat it out of spite?

3) Did you ever think you'd hear the words "bloody or black stool" during a commercial during an NFL game?

2) How many holiday seasons does Audi have to ruin?

1) Are all luxury cars sold during the Christmas season to people who should be the first against the wall during armed rebellion?

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