Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Top 10 reasons why ESPN spiked the LeBron James Story

In case you missed the latest cause celebre in Blogfrica today, the World Wide Lemur goofed by putting a lurid tale of the Miami King enjoying himself in Las Vegas, then took it down... but not fast enough to avoid the denizens of the Internets. You can see it here, and the particularly weak sauce from the Mouse is here. But what's their real motivation?

10) Would hate for people to start disliking or resenting James

9) Feels that the world is not ready for the amazing true story of a 25-year-old wealthy male enjoying himself in Vegas

8) Couldn't run the story until they arranged for the ads to be for the Boys and Girls Club

7) The ombudsman is on vacation, which means that they are helpless against James' wiles

6) They know that by spiking the story, they are much more likely to get it noticed

5) Afraid that people will get the wrong impression of him with that giant LJ style crucifix

4) Reporting that Lamar Odom lost a dance-off is just too traumatizing

3) Can't take the chance of young women thinking that getting tattoos will make boys like you

2) Decided that, in the long run, Cleveland had suffered enough, and wasn't ready to start down that path with New Orleans and Chris Paul

1) Do not want to take the chance of giving kids the wrong idea about hedonism, or Chap Stick

Of course, major props to Deadspin on this one, which lives to torment the Lemur...

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