Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yoko Romo gets his eight miles of fame

Just to prove that he knows how to make the money, here's Eminem's latest, which is tangentially acceptable to the blog for his backhanded swipe at Tony Romo. It's just a darn shame that in three years, we'll have to be explaining to people who Romo was. (Also, sadly, probably Em.)

Oh, and Em? Thanks for leaving Donovan out of it. He ain't got no beef with you.


Tracer Bullet said...

I'm always willing to laugh at Romo, but for all his bombast, it's not like Eminem is really doing anything. The Soup has made a cottage industry of mocking all the same targets and that show is actually funny. For all the dust on his references, Eminem is just this side making Lewsinsky jokes.

DMtShooter said...

Agreed; the man is basically doing the trailer track minstrel show now. I do admire his ability to get Dr. Dre. to join in teh stupid, though.