Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Lemur Loves Me

Sorry I made you break up, Ms. Sage Steele. (About 40 seconds from the end, for the impatient.) And thanks so much for mentioning us on SportsCenter this morning. That's nice. Especially after all the nice things we've said about you over the years!

1 comment:

Max said...

Congrats on getting up on Blog Buzz this morning.

I'd like to get you set up at bleacherreport.com. Our blog import tool will allow your articles to auto-import under your b/r profile and link back to FTT giving your work an additional platform for exposure to our established online community.

Shoot me an email back at mtcheyan@bleacherreport.com if you're interested and I can further explain the process and help get you set up.
