Sunday, December 30, 2012

Top 10 NFL Week 17 Ad Questions

Evolution = Black Players
10) If I get a Verizon phone, am I required to become a douche bag about snowmen?

9) Aren't Nationwide owners more likely to get into accidents by braking for squirrels, rather than less?

8) Are all PlayStation Vita players exhibitionists and idiots?

7) Does having your DVR filled turn you into a sneering cheese pusher who wants to make his guests feel awkward about not watching television?

6) Does owning a BMW give dogs the ability to read?

5) If you take your prom date to Subway, aren't you pretty much guaranteeing that you are not getting laid?

4) How is NFL Evolution working to make the game safer while still showing anything involving a kickoff return?

3) Does selling computer hardware now require colorful dancing nonsense?

2) Why are police going to all of the effort of elaborate camouflage to stop drunk drivers, when it's pretty damned obvious to everyone on the road who is DUI?

1) Is driving a new Volkswagen such a forgettable experience that you forget that you are in a test drive in the middle of the experience?

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