Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Top 10 reasons why the Eagles fired defensive line coach Jim Washburn

Rassing Frassing
10) He was mean to Juan Castillo, who, as this season has shown, is the greatest coach in the history of the franchise

9) It's not everyday you can find someone who has held the same position as the fired guy just hanging around, unemployed

8) Washburn teaches the Wide Nine technique, which might make him History's Greatest Monster to Eagle Fans

7) The worst losing streak since 1968 must be fed with blood, blood, blood

6) Andy Reid wants to spend the last few weeks of his Eagles coaching career surrounded by friends and loved ones, well-fed and at peace

5) Washburn had spent the last week making mean-spirited comments about how Brandon Graham and Vinnie Curry weren't nearly as cute as Jason Babin

4) Owner Jeffrey Lurie keeps making cryptic hints about how if he just fires one magical person, he gets to keep his job

3) This is just the kind of grace under pressure and loyalty that Reid is certain is going to impress his next employer

2) Washburn has reportedly threatened to quit, and Reid's just the kind of dickish employer who fires people, rather than just take them up a quitting threat

1) Firing him gets them one more sweet, sweet day of headlines, which is about the only thing they can still win

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