Friday, March 11, 2011

FTT Off-Topic: Today In Online Racism

This is a picture of a serial rapist, convicted today in Philadelphia and sentenced to up to four centuries of time for his activities. Comments on the news story include words like "baboon", "Buckwheat", and other choice moments of political discourse that would not be out of place at the Algonquin Round Table, assuming the table was being used by the Klan.

This is a picture of one of a series of men suspected of serial rape while employed as priests. Comments on the news story include words like "scumbag", "disgrace", and "it's a start."

Now, solve for X, and show your work on a piece of scrap paper. Or, well, not.

1 comment:

CMJDad said...

Big difference between convict and suspect. And tough guys like to call people names, as long as they are protected by the anonymity or the Internet.