Sunday, October 25, 2009

Top 10 Week 7 NFL Ad Questions

10) Does David Spade feel any shame whatsoever at exploiting the morbidly obese corpse of Chris Farley, and why exactly should this make me want to switch to DirecTV?

9) Is anyone else creeped out by CBS, the network of "60 Minutes", "Murder, She Wrote" and "The Metamucil Olde-Time Minstel Show" having MMA?

8) In what parallel world do people wander an urban setting aimlessly asking people what they can buy for a single held up dollar, and fast food counter people are awake and pretentious enough to use words like "amenities" when discussing "food"?

7) Why are Ford drivers so impressed by hybrid technology that's been commonly used by Prius owners for over five years?

6) How has anyone ever attempted to film or stage anything by Charles Dickens without the use of rampant CGI, stuntwork and elderly stuntman abuse?

5) Why is Honda selling the fact that their model hasn't changed in the past 30 years, and that they are the vehicle of choice for T-shirt wearing smacktivist douchebags?

4) Is it really a good branding moment for FedEx to tell me that my business needs a Butt Kiss?

3) Is there anyone left in America who thinks Chris Berman isn't a complete media whore, or that he'd ever be found dead in an Applebee's?

2) Why does Coors Light want to associate their product with Romeo Crennel having sex?

1) Is the UPS whiteboard guy becoming even more insufferable, or is that even possible?

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