Friday, February 18, 2022

What Should Be Obvious About Gender Issues In Sports

Totes Unfair
 At the risk of annoying people with a whole lot more skin in the game than I have… a few thoughts on a point that will serve to inflame a portion of the sports audience for decades.

Transgender people are not, I promise you, trying to game your Game. The idea that anyone on the planet chooses their orientation should be dying a fast and forgotten death, but for heaven’s sake, people… the odds of making it in sports are never good, regardless of your gender or activity, and the life span of an athlete in any event is not exactly a lifelong occupation. If you think someone is trying to pull something, you have serious issues. Not the athlete.

Being transgender is not a super power. If you hear about an athlete who is that way and doing well, please keep in mind that if transgenderism was giving such an edge, all of a sport’s stars would be trans. They are not. People with memories or a knowledge of history will hear echoes to how African Americans are just “naturally” better (no reason to praise the individual for something they can control) at certain things, and if you want a Fun Historical Moment of Eugenics Bigotry… Jewish boxers in the 19th century were thought to have an unfair advantage due to a larger nose. No, seriously.

People who complain about the people who beat them in a game or sport are not exactly inspirational. Every athlete is going to lose sooner or later, even if they only lose to time. Doing so with grace should not be optional. It should be table stakes for anyone who wants anyone to root for them. Feel free to cast a jaundiced eye for the people with an excuse for everything.

Creating an equal playing ground based on arbitrary rules is not new, or even all that problematic. We do not put cruiserweight boxers in the ring with heavyweights and think sure, that’s fine. We do not put teams of very young players against teams of athletes in their prime and say, nope, sorry, your team can’t have anyone over 20. If the business of sport to create relatively equivalent competition gets to the point of testosterone counts, that’s new and remarkable now, and won’t be later. No reason to draw any further generalization, thanks.

People who don’t want to compete against trans athletes can, well, stay the hell home. Just as their spiritual ancestors stayed the hell home instead of competing against people who did not share their skin color. The wrong side of history is not exactly known for its great athletes with major promotional opportunities.

If you are a parent and very butthurt that your child did not win, and want to engage in hate speech about it… once more, your home awaits you, and I hope you enjoy being there. I also hope your kid gets out of it with all speed, rather than becoming an adult that is like you.

Yes, change is scary and off-putting and Those People aren’t like what you are used to. So is your phone, and your car, and your television and a great number of other things. Adjust. And maybe even be glad. It’s a very valid choice of a way to live your life.

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