Monday, March 9, 2009

Blogrolling Is Fighting The Good Fight

Our crush on Barney Frank continues. Between sports gambling and marijuana legalization, we'll take care of this recession in no time!

Perhaps the gift of the year (century?) for that guy in your fantasy league who always wastes your time with nonstop trade requests. Let him know that you're ready to support him in his good fight. This ranks right up there with an Owens or Favre jersey for Cowboys or Jets Fan...

Jose Reyes is the most exciting Spanish speaker in baseball. Now, if he had only followed up with, "Tell me how my ass tastes," he'd have won me over...

Only $2,026 so far for your very own Zamboni. That's Big Fun!

Major League Jerk with your WBC update, because we can't be bothered to watch the silly thing. But on the plus side, the USA punked Canada, and I can't stand those freaking Canucks evcer since the start-up with Canadian management, two start-ups ago. Screw you, hosers!


Anonymous said...

Barney Rubble, oops, I mean Frank??? You mention Barney Freaking Frank on your site? Sigh....There is no hope for you.

DMtShooter said...

You want to gamble legally or not? Dance with the devil that brung you.

Anonymous said...

f them all.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety

The Truth said...

I like Barney's thinking. From a fiscal standpoint, think of the tax revenue if online gambling was legalized. Could be huge.

Anonymous said...

I want NOTHING from him, or any like him. They are all trolls, feeding from the flesh of humanity.