Friday, April 18, 2008

Epic Drop: Top 11 Signs That Miguel Tejada Was Older Than Advertised

Your list is here, and it hurts this old A's fan's soul, really. Even when Miggy took the money and left, we didn't hold a grudge. It didn't hurt that the Orioles were no threat, and we'd never have to worry about seeing him in a playoff. In his last year, and especially during the 20-game Streak, Miggy was everywhere and everything; he was the A's David Ortiz that year.

Now, of course, he's guilty until never proven innocent, his power a probable bottle product, his joy at playing the game long gone, his worth quickly ebbing. No one will look back on his career and think Hall of Fame; no one will remember just how wonderful the left side of the A's infield was with him and a healthy Eric Chavez. (How good were they? I grew up with Schmidt and Bowa; Tejada and Chavez were better.)

Anyway, the fact that he's 33 instead of 31 is just the latest indignity. It's 10 pounds of sad in a 5 pound bag, and one more tale of warning that Free Agent Riches don't always work out...

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