Sunday, December 28, 2014

Week 17 NFL Ad Questions

Keep saying Mike at them
10) Is Jerry Johnson homeless from his addiction to the Amazon stick device, and if so, why hasn't this become a reality show?

9) Why does Burger King feel compelled to constantly hide cameras in their stores?

8) How does swiping screens translate into business ownership?

7) Do I have to engage in wince-inducing musicals to shop at Macy's this week?

6) Did Joe Montana fail to manage his money during his playing career so badly that he's got to shill for money managers now?

5) Why does Infinity have a white Scrooge visiting a black family that's clearly doing great, with no want or physical ailments?

4) Do Hyundai drivers enjoy driving away from neighbors in trouble?

3) Are most KFC customers haunted by poverty-stricken grandparents?

2) Would anyone blame the camels dealing with idiot Geico ad quoters at the zoo from getting loose and running amok?

1) Does Aaron Rodgers really need line reading instructions from fourth-rate SNL characters that haven't gotten work in 20 years?

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