Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Brief And Obvious Point About Dennis Rodman And North Korea

Cue the baker
Filed under the heading of glass houses, stones, and the general efficacy of both...

"The White House says North Korea's government should be focused on the well-being of its citizens, not on "celebrity sporting events" to entertain the country's elite."

Um, Mr. President?

I voted for you. Twice. I've donated money to your campaigns. Twice. I'm generally on your side on a lot of things, and generally think that you've got the best interest of a multitude of people at heart.

But, um... the United States is home to some of the greatest inequities of wealth in the world. Dozens, if not hundreds of athletes can be described as celebrities. They entertain our elites, frequently at public expense through the subsidies and tax write offs from local and state governments, which are supplemented by the federal government. And the well-being of its citizens appears to be something of a strong common factor between both nations.

So, if you'd rather not take Rodman on as a diplomatic ambassador seriously, well, fine -- you know your business better than me. And Dennis Rodman is a tattooed collection of scrap metal and stupidity.

But just go with a simple "No comment" or "We'll take it under advisement", rather than get all high and mighty about it about what North Korea should or should not do. (And yes, I get that you didn't say it, but your spokesman is pretty much assumed to be the same thing.)

Because, well, at the end of the day, nukes are not exactly a complicated weapon; it's technology that's going on 70 years old now. And slapping together a messy briefcase for some True Believer also doensn't seem that hard. either...


CMJDad said...

"I'm generally on your side on a lot of things, and generally think that you've got the best interest of a multitude of people at heart."

Too bad none of the multitudes live in this country.

DMtShooter said...

Some days, sir, I think you'd be happier somewhere else. Somalia, for instance. None of those pesky laws or taxes imperiling your freedoms, and I think you'd make an excellent warlord...

CMJDad said...

Absolutely not. On our worst day, this place we call our home is better than any other place on the planet, which really isn't saying a whole lot when you look around the planet. Good days will hopefully return before I'm too old and senile to realize it.